Course Selection
Course selection for the 2025-26 school year has begun. We ask that all students, along with their parents, carefully review the requirements for each grade and the course descriptions. Students will be asked to select all of their academic, arts, and fall term athletics courses during the selection process.
New Students
You will receive a “New Student Account and Course Selection” email once enrolment is complete. In this email you will be provided with instructions on how to log in using the new student account and select courses for the upcoming year. Please review the information to become familiar with the academic, arts, and athletic offerings at Brentwood.
Returning Students
Please thoroughly review all the information regarding academics, arts and athletics to ensure you make informed decisions about your selections. You will be making your academic and arts selections for the year and your fall term athletics selections only.
Returning Students Entering Grade 9 and 10
The process of making your academic course selections is straightforward, so no review with University Counselling is required, and no report about your selections will be provided.
If you have any questions that remain unanswered after completing the process outlined on these pages, please contact Rick Rodrigues, Director of University Counselling.
Returning Students Entering Grade 11 and 12
Academic Course Selection Process
Mr. Rodrigues presented to current students in Grades 10 and 11 about the Course Selection process and the important considerations involved. Here is the link to the Grade 11 Course Selection Presentation slides and here in the link to the Grade 10 Course Selection Presentation slides.
Now you have the access to the information you need to have discussions as a family about academic planning and for students to select their courses for next year
Academic Course Selection Review
Students will make appointments with one of the University Counsellors to review their academic course selections. In the meantime, students will be encouraged to discuss their selections with their Advisors and teachers, and they will have access to the Course Registration Form to make changes until spring break.
The information provided on the pages of this website should answer all of the questions you may have; please take the time to review the information provided carefully. Even if you still have any lingering questions after reviewing all of the information here, please proceed with submitting the Course Registration Form. If you need to make changes after getting answers to your questions, you will be able to access the Course Registration Form until the end of the winter term
Reporting on Academic Course Selections
At year's end, we will report to parents about the process in the final report card. Final marks in key academic classes will help us to ensure that selections are appropriate and provide the basis for any recommendations. We invite the students to reflect on their plans and course selections throughout the spring. If changes are required, they need to connect with University Counselling to discuss those changes.
Grade 8 Students
At Brentwood, the Grade 8 Day Program follows its own specific curriculum. Please see the Grade 8 Day Program page on the Brentwood Website for more information.
There may be an opportunity for Grade 8s to take part in senior school arts and athletics programs. These options will be based on space availability and will be addressed during Orientation Week in September.
Arts Selection
As it is critically important for us to plan ahead and ensure that there is sufficient interest and resources to offer a particular art, we ask that students always indicate their top three choices. There are rare circumstances where we cannot offer both their first and second art preferences.
Grade 9 Students
Students in Grade 9 enrol in Arts 9 Rotation or Wind Ensemble and will enrol in:
ONE arts course OR
Grade 10, 11 & 12 Students
Students in Grades 10, 11, and 12 must enrol in one arts course and either:
a second arts course OR
Further arts courses can be taken as desired, but only if space permits, and can only be confirmed after the school year is underway in September.
Before making any selections, please take time to find out more information about the arts course offerings by clicking the link below. Any additional questions or requests for clarification can be directed to Ms. Edna Widenmaier.
Athletics Selection
At this time, we ask students to pre-select their sport courses for the fall term. Students will select their sports for the winter and spring over the course of the school year.
Please note that Grade 9 and 10 sport options are intentionally limited and restricted for the first week of school. We work to provide our junior students with intentional team-building opportunities. Additional selections in most other senior sport options, will be made available if students wish to change their sport after that first week, or it is deemed appropriate by coaching staff/instructors that students are better placed in a different sport.
To an extent, this is a pre-selection process only. Students will have the opportunity to try sports and change their choice provided they do not wait too long. Students should always indicate their top two (junior) or three (senior) choices as there can be rare circumstances where we cannot offer the first or second preferences.
Before making any selections, please take time to find out more information about the sport offerings in Fall by referring to the Athletics page of the Brentwood website. Any additional questions or requests for clarification can be directed to Mr. Blake Gage.