Grade 9 Academics
Every Grade 9 student will be enrolled in the following academic courses:
English 9
Mathematics 9*
Metamorphosis 9 (which combines Science 9, Social Studies 9, and Applied Design, Skills & Technology 9)
A Language 9**
* If a student entering Grade 9 is advanced math, for example they completed Math 9 in Grade 8, then they would be free to select the next in the sequence of math courses, as long as the timetable allows students to access the course as part of their academic schedule.
** If a new student entering Grade 9 at Brentwood has a deeper background in French, Mandarin, or Spanish, they can take a higher-level course more suited to their skills. The Modern Languages Department will assess new students to confirm the appropriate level of Language Course.
Grade 9 Academic Course Descriptions
Start Course Selection
Course selections are collected using Google Forms. Please log in with your Brentwood Google Account (user.name@brentwood.ca) to being course selection.