Brentwood College School Logo


All entries are completed through the Regatta Central website:


  • Entries will open March 4, 2025 and close on April 4, 2025

  • Line-ups: April 23, 2025 at 11:59 pm

  • Payment of fees: due at time of registration

  • Accommodation requests: due April 4, 2025*

  • Dining Hall service requests: due April 4, 2025*

*To assist us in processing food requests and accommodation requests is the reason the entry deadline is earlier than most regattas.

Restricted Entries

Entries are restricted to two entries per club per event, up to a maximum of 18 entries per event (waitlist entries will be accepted).

Waitlist entries will be added after the entry deadline to fill out the races up to the maximum of 24 crews for each event.

Please note: Clubs with more than two entries in each event will only have two crews advance to finals.

Late Entries

Late entries will only be accepted at the discretion of the regatta committee. Email to request consideration for a late entry.


Scratches will be accepted without penalty up until the entry deadline. Thereafter, a scratch will forfeit the seat fees already paid.

A Race

A minimum of three entries must be received to constitute a race. Three entry events could potentially be combined with other similar boat speed races. Medals will still be presented for each separate event.


Rowing Canada and Rowing BC seat fees will apply. The fee structure is as follows: Rowing Canada - $4.30, Rowing BC - $3.50, ( total - $7.80 per seat).

Seat fees will be collected at the time of entry on Regatta Central and will go straight to Rowing BC and Rowing Canada. Please note: there will be no refund of seat fees should weather conditions cause the cancellation of races.

Boat registration fees are outlined below. They will also be collected at the time of registration.



4+ & 4x+




2x & 2-




Events Offered (Available for Both Men and Women)

  • U19: 8+, 4+, 4x, 2x, 2-, 1x

  • High School 8+ Medal: will be awarded to the top High School crew in both the Men’s and Women’s U19 8+

  • U19 Lightweight: (72.5 kg M, 63 kg W): 4+, 2x, 1x

  • U19 JV: 8+, 4+, 4x, 2x

  • U19 3V: 8+

  • Novice: 8+, 4x+

  • U17: 8+, 4+, 4x+, 2x, 1x

  • U17 JV: 8+, 4+

  • U15: 4x+

Event Eligibility

  • U19 - Your club/school’s top tier rowers and coxswains who are turning 18 the year of the regatta. Age restriction is waived for full-time high school students

  • U19 JV - Your club/school’s second tier rowers and coxswains who are turning 18 the year of the regatta. Age restriction is waived for full-time high school students. Crews that are fully lightweight or novice may also race in this category

  • U19 3V - Your club/school’s third tier rowers and coxswains who are turning 18 the year of the regatta. Age restriction is waived for full- time high school students. Crews that are fully lightweight or novice may also race in this category

  • U17 - Your club/school’s top tier rowers and coxswains who are turning 16 the year of the regatta

  • U17 JV - Your club/school’s second tier rowers and coxswains who are turning 16 the year of the regatta

  • U15 - Your club/school’s top tier rowers and coxswains who are turning 14 the year of the regatta

  • Novice - Your club/school rowers and coxswains who began rowing after the previous year’s national championship

  • Lightweight - Your club/school’s rowers who weigh in at 63kg for women and 72.5kg for men. The weights are consistent with CSSRA regulations. Crew averaging will not be allowed.

  • Coxswains - 45kg for both male and female coxswains


On-campus accommodation booking is open. All details can be found on Regatta Central. Click here to directly book accommodation: Brentwood Accommodation.

Deadline: April 4, 2025

There are also many bed and breakfasts, and motels situated close to the School or located nearby in Duncan. For more information please visit: Tourism Cowichan Accommodation.

Mount Baker and ocean during a sunrise


Meals can be booked in advance and are only available to visiting athletes, coaches and chaperones. Bookings are now open and available on Regatta Central:

View meal information, prices, and book.

This year we will be offering meal packages. Please be advised that our cafeteria can cater to any and all dietary restrictions that coaches and athletes may have - with this being said we will need to know in advance of any restrictions! The two packages are as follows:

Dinner-only package ($35/individual) - You will receive a wristband that will get you dinner on Friday and Saturday nights.
All-inclusive package ($90/individual) - 
You will receive a wristband that will get you:

  • Lunch and dinner on Friday

  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday

  • Breakfast on Sunday

Deadline: April 4, 2025

The patio overlooking the ocean

Arrival & Check-in

Upon arrival, a member from each club/school must stop by The Centre for Innovation and Learning (CIL) building to check in, pick up their regatta package, security wristbands, and meal tickets. Please refer to the regatta campus map.

The exterior of the Centre for Arts and Humanities
Some rowing boats out on the water


If all athlete data has been correctly entered into Regatta Central during the registration process, on race day all you have to do is bring your crews to the weigh-in room at their specified time (see below) to complete the process.

If there is incomplete or missing information on Regatta Central, on race day you will be asked to leave the weigh-in room to fill out the information and then return to have your crews go through the process.

All lightweights and coxswains must weigh in (in their club racing uniforms) on:

  • Friday between 12:30 pm - 5:00 pm

    • Any coxswains and events #1-15 at 12:30 pm

    • Events #16-24 at 2:00 pm

    • Events #25-36 at 3:00 pm

    • Events #37-46 at 4:00 pm

  • Saturday between 9:00 am and 11:00 am.

    • For crews arriving on Saturday

Weigh-ins will take place in the Centre for Innovation and Learning (CIL), right inside the main entrance. Please refer to the regatta campus map.

Weigh-In Notes:

  • There will be one weigh-in which will hold for the duration of the regatta.

  • A coach must accompany each lightweight crew and coxswain during the weigh-in procedure.

  • If a crew does not make weight they will be considered to be exhibition and will only row in the heat. They will not advance to the next race and points will not be awarded.

Race Check-In

  • Please be familiar with the boat routes and stations located on the regatta campus map.

  • All boats must proceed bow first to the out dock by the route marked

  • Oars must travel with the boat

  • Stop at the lane marker table located just before the out dock

    • Coxies/rowers to check-in at the lane marker table to show their wristband and have their boat checked for safety equipment. All boats must have a bow ball, lane marker holder and quick-release safety shoes.

      • All boats will be checked for single strap foot releases and will not be approved by the Umpires unless a single strap foot release is present

      • Please make sure that your boats adhere to rule 3.5 of the Rowing Canada Rules of Racing (heel ties are to be no more than 7cm in length)

  • When the boat has been cleared, the coxie/rower will receive a lane marker and will proceed to the out dock

  • Please help us keep the regatta on schedule by being efficient on the dock

The inside of a rowing shell

Course Rules

  • When leaving the dock travel to the start line on the shore side of lane #1, between the marina and the racecourse. Do not row across or up the course

  • Once you have passed the marina you must not stop until you are past the start line. You should be aware that at low tide it is very shallow in this area. You must not practice starts until you have gone beyond the start line

  • In the warm-up area, the traffic pattern is counterclockwise around the orange markers. Crews must turn around within 100m of the last large red buoy

  • You need to be lining up at the outside red marshalling buoy 10 minutes before your race. There will be a marshall in the warm-up area assisting you to transition to the start at the correct time. You need to be locked into the gates at 2 minutes before your race

  • When you have finished your race, row well past the finish line into the bay. Return to the dock on the shoreside of the red buoy of the finish line. Make sure you listen to the dock marshalls

  • The changeover dock is for hot seating only. Do not take boats out of the water from this dock

  • In case of emergency - please read Brentwood’s EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN 


Racing Procedures

The information given below is provided for coaches and athletes, from Rowing Canada Aviron Rules of Racing, to assist their crews in interpreting the Umpire's commands during racing. The format for lodging of protests is provided so all crews are aware of the correct procedure in the event such a situation occurs.

All races will start on time. A race cannot be held for a late arrival, except in extraordinary circumstances.


All shells must be fitted with a bow ball and bow clip. Boats with flexible shoes must have properly adjusted heel ties, 7cm maximum length. All these will be checked at the dock. Boats not meeting these safety requirements will not be allowed on the water until they are fixed.

Elements of the Start

The two minute warning

When the starter announces 'two minutes' all crews should be at the start line, in the starting platforms, and being held by the boat-holder by the time this announcement is made. The racing indicator light, will be red. Any crew not in position at this time, will be assessed a warning for late arrival at the start. Crews should be ready to race any time within the two minutes indicated by the starter.

Alignment of the shells

The aligner controls this process. When the aligner considers the alignment to be good, this is passed to the starter in a variety of ways: the aligner can raise the white flag or verbally indicate they have alignment.

The roll call

The starter does the roll call. Note that the roll call consists solely of announcing the name of the crew - this is not a question, and the starter will not be waiting for a response from the crew. In addition, once the starter has commenced calling the roll, a hand raised in a shell will be ignored.


The starter will make one further check along the length of the start line to ensure that alignment is still correct, and that there is nothing that would prevent a start. The starter then announces 'ATTENTION'.

Raising of the flag

The starter will then raise the red flag.

The pause

The starter will then pause for an undetermined, variable length of time.

The start command

The starter will give the start command by announcing 'GO'. At the same time, the starter will drop the red flag, and the racing indicator light at each platform will turn green. 

During the Race

A red flag means stop rowing.

If a crew is about to interfere with another, by its wash or by leaving its lane, the Umpire shall do the following procedure:

  • Raise the white flag

  • Call to the crew at fault

  • Indicate the required change of direction by lowering the flag to one side

In principle, the Umpire may not steer a crew unless there is an obstruction in its lane.

At the Finish

As each crew crosses the finish line, a horn will sound. A white flag raised at the end of the race indicates the race was in order. A red flag raised means an objection has been lodged.

Objections / Protests

Objections (a) must be made initially, on the water, to the Umpire; (b) the protest must be then submitted by the coach, and in writing, together with a $150.00 protest fee, to the Head Umpire from Rowing Canada. You have one hour to complete this process from the time of the initial objection. This fee will be refunded only if the protest is upheld.

Should the Umpire consider the race to not have been properly run, the Umpire shall raise the red flag, consult, when appropriate, the objecting crew, and go to the judges at the finish in order to give them any necessary explanations. If a crew considers they have suffered interference during a race, the coxswain must raise a hand immediately after finishing the race. After an explanation has been given to the Umpire, a written submission stating the facts and reasons for the protest, signed by the crew's coach, must be submitted to the Head Umpire, accompanied by a deposit of $150.00 (CAD). You have one hour to complete this process from the time of the initial objection. These funds will be refunded if the protest is upheld, but will not be refunded if the protest is dismissed.

The Chief Umpire will neither consider or accept the submission of GoPro or cell phone video as part of an objection or protest.

Medal Presentations

Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals will be awarded for all Finals. Many races also carry one, or more, trophies.

Before receiving your medal, crews are asked to place their boat in the reserved area as directed. A photographer will be on site to capture all medal presentations. These photos will be available to all clubs, following the completion of the Regatta. Here is the link to the Regatta photos: Brentwood Photos. 

A trophy that is presented at the Brentwood Regatta
Rowing athletes talking during the regatta

Personal Conduct

Our goal is to provide a safe, fun and fair racing experience for all our participants. Keeping in mind the variable conditions associated with rowing on an ocean, we will do our best to have contingency plans in place ahead of time to ensure we provide a positive race experience for each of our participants.

In keeping with a fair racing experience for all participants, we ask that coaches enter their crews in appropriate categories for their skill level. We would like all coaches to enter their athletes in the category that would provide the best race experience.

The latest Rowing Canada Rules of Racing, do not condone foul or abusive language/conduct from athletes, coaches, or supporters and could result in disqualification for the club concerned. We ask you to appreciate that this is our home and that no alcohol, drugs, or smoking are allowed on school grounds.

All pets must be on a leash and the owners are responsible for cleaning up after their pets.