Dealing With Stress:
A little bit of stress is healthy, but too much stress can be harmful to your mental health and should be addressed.
See the chart to the right to asses if your stress levels are healthy or not. If you answered “often” to 2+ or “sometimes” to 3+ of the questions, your stress levels are likely too high.
Here are some helpful tips for managing stress:
Communicate: Talk to your houseparent, teachers, or the Maeda Health Centre Team about your stress levels. They will help to support you
Sleep and eat: Make sure you’re eating all 3 meals and getting at least 8 hours of sleep
Breathe: Taking a few minutes to breathe can seriously reduce stress and panic attacks. Click here for a step by step guide on a breathing technique designed to reduce stress

Who Can I Talk To?
If you are struggling mentally, talking with someone you can trust is the first step towards your solution. Here are some resources you may want to try:
A trusted friend (especially one that has been B-well trained)
The Maeda Health Centre on campus
Free online counselling and therapy services:
A trusted teacher, BFA, or other Brentwood staff member

Suicide and Crisis Hotlines
Canada Suicide Prevention Service, 1.833.456.4566
Enables callers anywhere in Canada to access crisis support using the technology of their choice (phone, text or chat), in French or English (24/7)
Kids Help Phone, 1.800.668.6868
Canada's only national, 24-hour, bilingual, and anonymous phone counselling, web counselling, and referral service for children and youth. Service is completely anonymous and confidential
Sexual Violence, Eating Disorders, LGBTQ2+ Related Issues:
Sexual Violence:
Victoria Sexual Assault Centre, 1.888.494.3888
An organization focused on ending sexual violence through healing, education, and prevention. For all genders directly or indirectly affected by sexual assault
Sexual and Domestic Violence,
Map of resources on where to get help for domestic abuse situations. Once the URL has been entered, click “Jump to Resources” on the website page for links to different hotlines and support systems
Eating Disorders:
National Eating Disorders Association,1.800.931.2237
9 am to 5 pm EST, Monday to Friday
The health centre uses this agency for referral to programs for those who may be struggling
LGBT National Help Center, 1.888.843.4564
Offers the LGBT National Hotline, the LGBT National Youth Talkline, and the SAGE LGBT Elder Hotline, as well as private, volunteer one-to-one online chat, that helps both youth and adults with coming-out issues, safer-sex information, school bullying, family concerns, relationship problems, and a lot more.
LGBT National Youth Talkline, 1.800.246.7743 https://www.glbthotline.org/talkline.html
Anonymous and confidential safe space for callers to speak on many different (but limited to) coming out issues, gender and/or sexuality identities, relationship concerns, bullying, isolation, anxiety at school, family issues, HIV/AIDS concerns, safer sex information, suicide, and much more
We Want to Hear From You!
Click here to fill out a short survey on improving B-well’s website.
Do you think this website will be helpful for the Brentwood community? What changes or additions would you like to see? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Each person who fills out the survey is entered into a draw to win a $20 McNeill’s gift card!

The Wellness Framework
Grounded in our core values of Grit & Joy, the Wellness Framework acts as an intentional and proactive tool used to support reflection, personal development, pedagogical alignment, common purpose and clear identification of the supports that are available at the School.