Brentwood College School Logo
private school academic students studying with an ocean view

Achieving Excellence in Private School Academics

“Brentwood will set the standard globally for inspirational and transformative learning.” - Brentwood Strategic Plan

As a university preparatory school, the pursuit of academic excellence is one of Brentwood’s fundamental aims. Our curriculum is built around authentic learning opportunities that allow our students to experience a wide variety of teaching styles and learning techniques. Our academic schedule is flexible—enabling students to take courses that provide the best learning experience and strongest academic support. The teaching staff are committed to inspiring students and helping them discover a passion for lifelong learning.

Courses >

AP Courses >

Facilities >

Faculty >

University Placement >

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Private school math teacher instructing students

Our Philosophy

Our private school academic program is driven by a commitment to provide a leading-edge place of learning for our students and staff. Brentwood College recognizes that all students learn in their own unique way and need to be engaged to achieve their best. We ensure our students can capitalise on problem-solving opportunities through creative and critical thinking. We empower students to embrace curiosity and a willingness to take risks and make connections across a wide array of disciplines. Specific importance is placed on global mindedness, learning outside the classroom, and inspirational teaching from our passionate staff.

Learn more about Experiential Learning >

Learning Outside the Classroom

Since our private school is located on one kilometer of oceanfront, we are able to give our students exciting educational opportunities. Just outside our doors, students can observe wildlife and habitats, collect samples, investigate biospheres and biomes—or simply surround themselves with nature. This accessibility to the ocean, as well as annual trips to wilderness learning centres like Strathcona Park Lodge or Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre, allows the integration of marine biology and oceanography into our science programs in a real and meaningful way.

Students also have the opportunity to take cultural trips to local communities (Duncan and Chemainus), partner with local elementary schools and look to our First Nations communities to share knowledge of Indigenous ways of knowing. Learning outside the classroom is an authentic and enriching academics practice at Brentwood.

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Teacher providing academic support to students

Student Support

Teaching students how to advocate for themselves and their own unique learning style is a key goal for everyone involved in our academic support system.

Students have easy access to teachers, tutors, counsellors, and advisors—all helping to support academic pursuits. We encourage our students to seek guidance and assistance through the many options available to them.

All of Brentwood’s teachers are involved in programs that take place outside of academic classes by offering extra help sessions, supervising evening Prep, coaching, or instructing in the arts. This allows our teachers to develop an in-depth understanding and personal relationship with our students as they interact in different venues and pursuits. Our staff members take the time to understand each of our students and provide personalized support to help them realize their full potential.

Learn more about Student Support >

A math teacher explaining a solution to a problem outdoors


Brentwood’s distinctive Tripartite Program is a scheduling framework that gives our students access to the most options in academics, arts, and athletics. A key component of the Tripartite Program centres around running our academic classes in the mornings.

Courses are taught Monday to Saturday, six days per week, from 8:15 am to 1:15 pm (Saturdays 10:15 am to 12:45 pm).

Following an afternoon of arts or athletics, students then re-engage in their academic tasks during evening study— known at Brentwood as “Prep”. During this time, students have access to additional help from the teachers who are on campus to support the houses and study areas.

View the Timetable >

University counsellor assisting student

University Placement

Through self-evaluation, research, post-secondary school visits, and extensive counselling, students learn to make informed decisions about the schools and programs which most suit their aptitudes and aspirations. Brentwood's university counselling team works with each student individually to ensure our students have the support needed to effectively plan their post-secondary education.

Learn more >

A class siting outside with the ocean in the background

Academic Facilities

Our oceanfront campus is outfitted with the latest technology to provide our students with the best possible learning environment, both inside and outside of the classroom. Teachers take full advantage of our unique setting on the waters of the Saanich Inlet and use outdoor teaching spaces during all times of the year. Classrooms are designed with flexible seating arrangements to facilitate different learning techniques.

See our Academic Facilities >

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The Brentwood experience has been transformational for our daughter. She went from having little confidence in her academic potential to earning academic honours and demonstrating a true love of learning. The unique schedule and tripartite program provide a balance of structure and independence that’s important for teens by having academics in the morning to allow for sports and arts in the afternoon. In addition to inspiring teachers, the hands-on support from house staff is phenomenal. They are there for her 24/7, when needed, while helping her to build confidence and self-advocacy. Our daughter’s Brentwood experience is the best decision we’ve made as parents.

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three private school students in chemistry lab
Two students working on a science lab
Language students working outside
A student speaking with a younger child
Students dressed up in traditional English dress
A room of students at a physics conference
A student paddling a cardboard kayak
Students exploring a group fair
A private school class outdoors
Kayakers in Stathcona Park
A student building a salad
A teacher examining ocean biology with students
People waiting at tents to purchase food during the regatta
A student firing off a water propelled rocket
Students study with ocean views
Brain scan and research neuroscience student team

Curricular Activities

Brentwood’s academics are challenging and immersive. Our teachers diversify the way in which they deliver the academic curriculum through a variety of activities and teaching methods. Many of the most memorable lessons include experiential learning—where students take a hands-on approach to education.

Next steps
A dancer on stage in dramatic lighting
A rugby player driving forward with the ball
A group of student leaders smiling in front of the arts centre