
The Undefeated Junior Rugby Boys
You may not believe me, but I have news for you about our Junior Boys Rugby team. Late in the second term, our juniors started their competitive season. We faced some tough teams, such as St George’s School, Belmont and Nanaimo. Our boys played all these games with determined hearts and huge Brentwood pride.
During practises, our coaches gave us specific instructions for every game. Every player was giving their all to make improvements and gain experience.
One of the hardest games was against St George’s. At the beginning, our team was losing and the game was looking bad, but, by the second half, we were tied. At the last second, our team scored an important try to break the tie and we won!
During these games, we had a few injuries. I hope everyone took March Break to recover. This is did not prevent us from achieving our success: the Brentwood junior boys team is undefeated so far.
After the Spring Break the junior boys will come back and give everything they can.
Egor U, Rogers ‘20