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The Royal Academy of Dance

31 March 2015
With the business of Brentwood, it’s always nice to have something to take your mind off of school pressures. Participating in ballet class, as an extracurricular activity, has allowed this distraction for me. It’s also a way of expressing myself that I just can’t get from anything else.  I’ve been participating in ballet for as long as I can remember, and was elated when I found out that I would be able to continue working on the R.A.D. (Royal Academy of Dance) syllabus while attending Brentwood.   Although it’s a huge commitment, especially with exams and end-of-year performances, I think Brentwood students dancing with Mrs. Blake at Steps Ahead could tell you that being able to dance at school and continue with our R.A.D. training, is a rewarding opportunity. Those taking Classic Ballet in 2015 included Holly CH (Dist, Gr 7), Madison P (Dist, Gr 7), Caitlin W (Merit, Gr 7), Julia S (Dist, Intermediate), Hannah S (Dist, Intermediate)  & Tasmin W (Merit, Intermediate).

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