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Snakes and Ladders

27 April 2012
Rachael K
“Look at the stars, look how they shine for you, for all the things you do...” Coldplay

“I ain’t no tailor but I know what suits me.” – Popeye

“All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me... You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.” - Walt Disney

Individuals spanning generations have likened the human experience to various silly phrases, these short and sweet sayings describing daily niches of everyday life. Original quotes such as ‘Life is like a Hunt’ have expanded to compare our rare time on Earth to boxes of chocolates, boats, roller-coaster rides, highways, hands of cards, and even cups of coffee.

Brentwood life, in general, can be very similar to some of these sayings.
For instance, let’s start with ‘Life is like a Game’ - more specifically, a game of snakes and ladders. The physical game itself is based on chance, and is usually introduced to young children before a long car trip as a magical distraction device. It incorporates life lessons in its blend of highs and lows as, quite literally, a player can only go up or down on a game board. The rules themselves can be broken down into three simple ideas. One: roll the dice and move the allotted number of spaces. Two: land on a ladder, and ascend it with a triumphant grin. Three: land on a snake, and descend to the tip of its tail, moaning in anguish as, right before your eyes, your chances of reaching the top drastically dwindle.

With University Acceptances rolling in, some with momentum greater than others, the news, whether happily holding out its congratulations, or sorrowfully reading out its apologies, is, without a doubt, a life changing piece of news.

An acceptance leads the player’s peg towards a ladder - this school could be the institution which will skyrocket you towards future success, a house in the suburbs, and 2.5 kids. A rejection, however, a decision made completely out of your control, may lead your peg towards a snake, spiralling you down to a place where reevaluation may be the next roll of the dice.

While this portion of senior high school life can pass by agonizingly slowly, our time at school can also speed along “Like a Highway”, with events flying past us at lightning speed. There’s only a few months left of high school for many of us. How completely incomprehensible is that? No more Brentwood buses ready to pick us up at the end of a break, no more evening really is the last few weeks before the cars on each student’s personal highway will pick them up, and drive them away towards their new destinations, known or unknown, but still at a pace perhaps too fast for them to comprehend.

Through all this chaos, however, life can also be like a “Box of Chocolates”. Each unique experience is its own specific truffle. Open Houses, SAC events, Big/Little Sister/Brother groups, Fine Arts Performances...each is a carmel, strawberry, or marshmallow morsel ready to be devoured and then lost, but always remembered. Life’s not all about stress and university acceptances and the paving stones that lay the path towards your future. Sometimes the little things affect you in the most profound ways. Maybe your sweetest moment was meeting that teacher in high school who inspired you to go into the arts or the sciences. Maybe it was that meal you had in the dining hall which led to international culinary school and a restaurant deal. Maybe your biggest school epiphany was the fact that you hated homework to the point of insanity, and so decided to become a teacher yourself as the ultimate form of payback. Whatever the tidbit was, that sweet, sampled moment could very well be the boarding pass to your very own happily ever after.

Funny how life can be thrown at you sometimes, right?

So, whether you’re playing a game, eating some chocolates, or cruising down your personal highway, life will either take you up that ladder you were so focused on climbing, or down the snake you tried so desperately to avoid. But who knows, that rejection letter could very well be the best thing that ever happens to you - that little piece of chocolate that will push you towards your next great endeavor, your next piece of inspiration.

It’s a sweet ride.

Rachael K

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