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Play Hard, Study Harder

4 June 2018
Henry S, Privett ‘20
Three weeks of school are left, two if you exclude a week of final exams. Studying is the top priority for everyone, and the focus is bigger than usual.  All year long, teachers instruct Brentonians in many diverse courses. In June, final exams occur; they are assessments for which students have prepared themselves and paid attention in class all year. Evening prep is used more intensely and the last study plans are developed.  Ms Murtland, Head of Academics, states: “From my perspective, the key is to make a plan for review. In that plan, record how long you think it is going to take you to do each part of the plan.”  Book P, Privett ‘20, who is attending Brentwood for his first year, says: “This is the first time that I will have finals, but I will be prepared.” Ben R, Ellis ‘20, explains: “One thing I’ve learned from last year is that it’s really important to make a study plan, start studying early, and to take breaks.” While some students have been paying much attention in all their classes, others are using the help available from their teachers to ask all questions that came up while studying. The excellent student even goes so far as to do both.  Final exams are the most important exams of the year. They make up a total of between 20% and 40% for each final mark. They can be used to boost a student’s grade, or drop it significantly.  In the end, it is not all about how good each student performs in the finals. It is way more important to keep up a consistency of grit every day. But it definitely pays off to study hard for the finals. The final sprint has come: study hard. Henry S, Privett ‘20

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