
Photojournalism 101
In our four week Photojournalism elective, students have learned how to write news articles and take photos - and we’ve discussed what makes a photo special. Mr Ganley has given each student access to the yearbook cameras and this allows these students to learn how to take a photo and to practice their skills by getting out of the classroom and capturing memories of school events. A photo can say a thousand words and connect the reader's emotions to the story: this makes a picture a extremely valuable part of an article.
Each student gets to select topics about some aspect of their Brentwood lives (sports, arts, academics) and then brainstorms, drafts, edits and polishes her or his work. We also have to edit each other's work which builds our strength as a team. Michael L, Rogers ‘19 said that he loves how he can expand two of his favorites hobbies and grow for a job later in life. Julius C, Whittall ‘19 said it builds teamwork and he can grow his vocabulary and have fun at the same time. Mr. Ganley observed “I always enjoy teaching this elective because the students rise to the challenge of producing excellent photos and articles for our global audience. It also helps identify future bloggers and yearbookers.” This is a very important part staying in touch with our community around the globe.
Zach L, Ellis ‘19