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Model United Nations

29 July 2013
Sarah M
As Brentwood students pack up their belongings, ready to depart for university or return for another year, every Model United Nations member can be guaranteed a reminder of conferences past. Scattered among volumes of chemistry work or ancient mid-term reports, the ripped edges of short, scribbled notes peek out unassumingly. Upon translation from messy MUN shorthand, these sheets become scenes torn from a life, coming alive again. Nostalgic recollections of that declaration of war against Venezuela, or secret alliance with Lebanon, are illuminated affectionately – a backdrop to the powerful memories of hard work, laughter, friendship and adventure in the spotlight. From first time delegates having been converted, to ten-plus time MUN-ers indulging their passion, this year of Model UN has been inspirational, challenging and transformative. It has been one to remember.

We began the year with a dozen delegates bussing out early in the wet, gloomy morning to the bright halls of the University of Victoria to participate in their annual conference. Apart from the lively debate, UVicMUN’s relaxed and supportive atmosphere allowed first time delegates to get acquainted with daunting rules and procedures. Among other Brentwood winners, our own newcomer Fischer W came away with an Honourable Mention as Iran in the General Assembly. Next up, after a long winter of purely debate, the Models finally saw sun in Vancouver at VMUN. This prestigious and large conference accommodated both novices and experienced delegates. During time stolen away from stimulating committee sessions, students explored Vancouver and occasioned its many shopping and dining attractions. Among favourites was the All-You-Can-Eat Korean Barbeque, though a warning to next year's delegates not to let Jiwon K. (affectionately “Jay-won”) too near the water and to be conservative on the food amounts, as Stephen Harper portrayer Calvin S came to realize. From many hundreds of delegates, Brentwood swept up an astonishing three awards.

After the glamour of Vancouver, students returned to home for a comfortable Brentwood-Shawnigan cohosted MUN representing our school as both delegates and staff. For the final conference of the year, six committed delegates travelled once more to Vancouver for Canadian International MUN. Between controversial and intense committee sessions, we explored exotic night markets and vintage boutiques, enjoyed fruity (non-alcoholic) drinks downtown and shared memorable experiences.

Through mid-night crises, fire alarms, ferry rides and exhilarating committee sessions, the Models have demonstrated intense passion, commitment and courage. We would like to thank Jonathan H for all the work he did to make every trip a huge success, as well as our teacher chaperones and mentors Mrs. Reynolds and Mr. Bryant. We will truly miss the dedication, laughter and care Mrs. Reynolds constantly exhibited, no matter at what wee hour in the morning, as well the conviction and support she poured into our program. We wish her all the best as she follows another passion, just as she has helped us to do in our love for MUN. Once a Model, always a Model though, as they say; maybe one day Mrs. Reynolds will find, tucked inside her “special teacher” note pad or in the folds of the faces of one her adorable pugs, a note as inconspicuous yet as profoundly meaningful as those the Models will continue to discover well into university and adulthood. A page faded yet a power to inspire and remind never dulled that may one day tumble out of one of our briefcases as we take a seat in the General Assembly and declare Canada Present and Voting.

Sarah M, Alexandra, ‘14

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