Mental Health Matters
Last Saturday Brentwood organized a slightly different schedule. A program created for each of the four different grades in the senior school. For Grade 10, a first aid course had been organized, and the students of Grade 9 tried their best in the Meta9 Design Challenge. The Grade 12s had a Career Education Speakers’ event, and Grade 11s dealt with the topic of mental health in the context of the Mental Health Awareness Day.
The Mental Health Awareness started with an assembly in the Killy Theatre. The assembly was held by representatives of the organization Jack.org, which focuses on mental health in youth.
In the assembly, the topic was brought closer to the students and we were told how best to deal with this topic, in case we experience other people or ourselves in this situation. It is a very serious topic that can have very serious consequences, so it is essential we students have the information on how to deal with it.
Afterwards, the students went into smaller groups and activities in which they enrolled earlier in the week to learn more about the topic by visiting the puppy petting area, or art therapy, or hearing stories from students and employees of the school about their experiences with mental health.
First and foremost, we must thank the speakers, both the students and the employees of the school, who shared their experiences. It is not easy to talk about it with other people and it takes a lot of courage to talk about it with such openness. We also have to thank the volunteers who made the event possible and, of course, Ms Murray for leading the organization.
It was a very well organized event about a serious topic. It is really important to create such an event in the future years because it helps students to handle the mental health challenges they and their peers encounter.
Ben H, Privett ‘21
The Mental Health Awareness started with an assembly in the Killy Theatre. The assembly was held by representatives of the organization Jack.org, which focuses on mental health in youth.
In the assembly, the topic was brought closer to the students and we were told how best to deal with this topic, in case we experience other people or ourselves in this situation. It is a very serious topic that can have very serious consequences, so it is essential we students have the information on how to deal with it.
Afterwards, the students went into smaller groups and activities in which they enrolled earlier in the week to learn more about the topic by visiting the puppy petting area, or art therapy, or hearing stories from students and employees of the school about their experiences with mental health.
First and foremost, we must thank the speakers, both the students and the employees of the school, who shared their experiences. It is not easy to talk about it with other people and it takes a lot of courage to talk about it with such openness. We also have to thank the volunteers who made the event possible and, of course, Ms Murray for leading the organization.
It was a very well organized event about a serious topic. It is really important to create such an event in the future years because it helps students to handle the mental health challenges they and their peers encounter.
Ben H, Privett ‘21