
Meet John Ayre
Over the years, Brentwood College has been blessed with a plethora of decorated interns, each with diverse skills and a variety of unique transcripts. This year, a fine addition has been made to this Brentwood elite in the shape of Mr. John Ayre.
With a background highlighted by periods spent in Edinburgh and Western Australia, Mr. Ayre musters a wealth of experience ranging from a learned academic career with a Masters in economics from the University of British Columbia, and a history of coaching sailing in some of Europe’s most exotic ports. His ascent of the iconic Mt. Kilimanjaro is yet another feat he has to his name. His forte (in sports such as rugby) further reinforces his cultured aura; with a nothing-short-of-sublime British accent to match (courtesy of his origins in Berwick-upon-Tweed, England). His favourite film is the “Alchemist”.
Along with a list of scholarly accomplishments, Mr. Ayre sports the unorthodox ability of being able to lick his elbow. In terms of his Brentwood career, he aspires to teach economics and geography, and coach rugby, as well as being involved in the new-look strength and conditioning program.
The Brentwood family is pleased to attain his services, and looks forward to a successful year with him on board. As he observes, “Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.”
On behalf of the students and faculty, Welcome Mr. Ayre!
Robbie S, Privett ‘15