Java Hut Preview
It’s almost that time again when students squish into the old Brentwood cafeteria and discover their fellow students’ hidden or not-so-hidden talents. Java Hut is creeping up right after February break (Saturday, February 20) and I hope that the school is ready.
With an indie-cafe vibe, Java Hut is one of the more loved events at Brentwood. The old cafeteria is set up with a stage as well as some other props to emphasize the coffee shop feel. Sleeping bags and cuddles welcome those who are interested - and for the less loving - chairs. Cookies and hot chocolate are also available to snack on while watching the acts. There are the well known performers such as Andrew W, Whittall ‘17 or the less known performers, who I suppose I will only be able to write about in my Java Hut recap.
The identities of the two MCs who will be guiding us through the evening are still a secret. Hopefully, they will keep us entertained with some well-timed jokes in between the acts.
Do not be fooled though, not only students perform: some faculty also come up with two or three entertaining performances.
With the Student Activities Council (SAC) taking in all the feedback from last years and improving with it, this year's Java Hut is expected to be better than ever before.
Thank-you in advance to Sarah L, Mack ‘16 who has already put a huge amount of time and effort into making this year's Java Hut what I suspect will be a great success. I cannot wait to see who will be taking the stage.
Georgia P, Mack ‘16