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Construction Makes Rapid Progress!

15 April 2011
Today, crews are pouring the slab for the main level floor of the new Visual Arts and Global Studies Centre! It is a 10,000 sq ft area, and will be about 12” thick when finished, taking 290 cubic meters of concrete (30 truck loads) to complete. That’s about 1.4 million pounds of concrete! The concrete is supported by temporary scaffold, beams, and plywood which will be left in place for three or four weeks, until the concrete reaches its designed strength.

The pipes for electrical, communication, data, and controls were laid earlier in the week, so they are now embedded in the concrete and hidden from view.  As the building is completed, wire will be pulled through this conduit to make all of the connections for computers, PA, thermostats, lights, telephone, heating controls, and power.  Also embedded in the slab are rebar for strength, water lines, and sleeves to create holes so that pipes can be passed through after the concrete has hardened.
The picture above was taken from the roof of the T. Gil Bunch Centre for the Performing Arts.

For more information on this spectacular new facility, scheduled to open in 2012, click here.

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