
Alex House
We had another great year in Alex House, full of shared events and laughter. We spent memorable moments together during outings such as the glow-in-the dark bowling night with Whittall and the Christmas Dinner, as well as house events like in-house breakfasts, big-little sisters and our nautical-themed Open House. Everyone in Alex House makes this place a home away from home; we are one big family.
The always lively and cheerful Grade 9s have grown together as one, playing loud music at all times of the day and giggling on the top floor, filling the house with positive energy. The Grade 10s finished another year together, warmly welcoming the girls who joined them in September. They all hung out chit-chatting and enjoying their last junior year.
The Grade 11s worked their socks off like little eager beavers, bravely rising to the challenge of their most important high school years, yet without forgetting about having fun and winning Assassination after forming one of the biggest alliances in the house, which reflected their friendship and loyalty. The Grade 11s grew as a group, getting prepared and excited for their Grade 12 year and taking over house duties and other responsibilities proving that they are aspiring to step up and lead the house next year with love and enthusiasm.
The Grade 12s had a very successful year in every aspect. We worked together and each shone in our own way. We led the house as role models, and finished the year with smiles on our faces, ready to take our next steps in life, despite the sadness we faced on leaving our Alex House home and family. Mrs. Mais, the Warners, and the duty staff showed love and care by always making sure the girls in the house were on the right track, feet on the floor (not being quick chicks) and supporting us all the time. Thank you for all your support, for helping us through all the good and bad times, and for making Alex House such a lively place which feels like a second home.
Grade 9s and 10s, keep working hard but remember to have fun! Grade 11s, I wish you all the best of luck next year, and don't forget to make the moments count because trust me, time will fly and you'll be graduating before you expect it. Grade 12s, we made it! Good luck next year with wherever your plans may lead you. I will miss you all dearly.
Lots of love, Mariana Godin, Alex House Captain 2012-2013