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Ahoy Rogers

19 August 2019
Omar Wehbe, Rogers ‘19
Year after year, young men enter Rogers for the first time with a raging mix of anxiety and excitement surging through their bodies. Rogers, however, is far from a regular boarding house. Being a member of Rogers House is, in its own way, prestigious. The most prefects, the biggest rooms, the best facilities, and the nicest layout of any house. However, all luxuries pale in significance when you take into consideration the members of the house and their connection to one another.
Daily, groups of Rogers boys spend time together in one way or another. Often will you find juniors in prefect’s dorms having a conversation, or a large group of boys in the common room, challenging each other to a game of pool or perhaps a match of FIFA. Whoever you are and whatever you’re interested in, there's a person in Rogers House for you. House Captain Ian Grabher believes that “The spirit is genuine. It’s exciting to be around a group of people that actually cares about one another.”
A tradition among a group of people is an incredible way to create a sense of community, and Rogers is no stranger to traditions. From bi-annual House tie ceremonies, to a remarkable battle on the paintball field on the last day of the year, Rogers men give it their all to make it an experience to remember. Kenton Laurion, feels as if “the community is bonded between the bricks that make the house, woven into the soul and mind of every Rogers’ man.”
To us, it isn’t just the people in Rogers who make it special. Every day students from all other houses, boys and girls, are found in the Rogers common room, playing pool or gaming against each other on the PS4. Three times a week, students migrate to Rogers to partake in Chem or Math help, filling the common rooms with lively conversation. The sense of welcoming resonates through the members of Rogers and reverberates through the rest of the campus. These small things that bring people together through Rogers House are what make it such a special place.
Omar Wehbe, Rogers ‘19

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